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Soft Water Hostel en Lisboa

Soft Water Hostel is located in the centre of Ericeira, right in the World Surfing Reserve.
Anchored in the growing dynamics of Ericeira, well known for its natural beauty, gastronomy and people, this is a space designed to meet the growing needs of accommodation and activities that complement the tourist offer of the Villa.
We want to take on the market with a distinct offer on active tourism, providing a variety of packages and activities that expand throughout the county and sur-rounding areas, whether at sea, on land or in the air. Our Mission, reflects the effort and ongoing commitment to promote an interactive and dynamic way of knowledge and experience of the Village.
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Escuela de Surf & Surfcamp Xagó (Asturias)
Clases Personalizadas (corrección ola por ola), tablas/trajes de gama alta y recuerda. No te arriesgues en tus vacaciones, en Xagó siempre hay olas!!

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